3 Self-Care Habits to Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine
It's safe to say that #SelfCare is having a moment during this pandemic. And it's easy to see why — with so much change and uncertainty happening in the world, it's important to prioritize properly taking care of ourselves so that we can operate at our healthiest and happiest!
For me, self-care is about deliberately taking time to take care of my mental, emotional and physical health. While self-care looks different from everyone, here are three habits I've integrated into my day-to-day routine that helps me keep my tank full:
1. Unplug
In order to safely connect with others throughout this pandemic, many of us have had to heavily rely on digital technology. This drastic switch has caused me to personally experience several adverse side effects as a result of staring at screens all day, such as headaches, muscle tension and the general stress of feeling like I'm always accessible and thus needing to rapidly respond.
With that being said, I've recently found it incredibly refreshing to dedicate time away from technology. So I challenge you to commit part of your day to step away from your computer, turn off the TV, and set your phone on "do not disturb." You will likely have a clearer mind and feel refreshed when you return!
This is a tip I've heard frequently throughout quarantine. And after implementing it into my nighttime routine, I can understand why! I have noticed how I feel more centered and calm whenever I walk away from a journaling session. It's a safe space for me to hash out my frustrations and to also acknowledge the positives in my life.
Pro tip: journaling doesn't necessarily mean putting pen to paper! Explore other options, such as typing out your thoughts on a Word document or utilizing one of the many free, password-protected online journal websites.
3. Exercise
As a former D1 student-athlete, I've always been acutely aware of the positive physical effects exercise has on my body. It wasn't until I felt the absence of gyms back in March that abruptly halted my fitness routine that I understood the significant role exercise plays in also keeping my mind fresh. Not to mention, being active stimulates endorphins that improve our moods and reduce stress.
So even when you really don't feel like it, I encourage you to get up and get moving for even just a few minutes, and I promise you'll be glad you did! (And here are some ideas on how to work out when it's the last thing you want to do.)
With all of these tips, start small by dedicating just a few minutes to each, and gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable with your new schedule.
As it’s not always easy to incorporate a new routine, your mind and body will thank you!